Sugar Effect | 21 Day Full Body Cleanse | Keto CleanseDo you know about the sugar effect?

First, the Low-Fat Movement

Back in the late 1970s, a study came out showing that a high intake of saturated fat is correlated with an increased risk of heart attack. This study alone launched the multi-decade low-fat health movement, responsible for flooding the market with a plethora of low-fat food products.
By removing fat from food, flavor was compromised. To compensate, people started adding sugar to food. This trend, instead of making the general population healthier, backfired into rising rates of obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. The low-fat movement didn’t seem to work.

The Discovery of Sugar Effect

In the last few years, new information has emerged about the real culprit behind these diseases: the use and abuse of sugar.

Effect 1: Weight Gain

The World Health Organization has found that the added sugar in our food and drinks is mainly responsible for the rise in weight gain, diabetes, and heart disease.

Effect 2: Increased Cancer Risk

A 2013 study from a university in Madrid even found a connection between sugar consumption and increased risk of cancer. Excess sugar consumption can cause insulin resistance, which has a well-documented link to cancer.

Effect 3: Childhood and Adult Diabetes

Sugary drinks are particularly a problem a health problem for children, according to endocrinologist Dr. Robert Lustig. In his research, Lustig found that added sugar is 11 times more likely to cause diabetes than the consumption of too many calories.
And sugar consumption continues to rise. Since 2009, yearly worldwide sugar consumption has increased by almost 20 million tons.

Curbing the Sugar Effect

For this reason many communities are considering a tax on sugary beverages to reduce consumption. Mexico has implemented a 10 percent tax on sugary drinks, which resulted in a 12 percent decrease in consumption. Countries like France and Chile have followed suit. In the US, the medical costs resulting from obesity and weight issues are estimated to be almost 10% of total healthcare expenditure. That’s billions of dollars that could be saved or offset by a beverage tax.
The World Health Organization recommends that the average adult consume no more than 25g, or six and a half teaspoons, of sugar per day. Studies have shown that an average American consumes 126 grams of sugar per day.
It is easy to exceed the daily recommendation for sugar consumption’s with just a few sugary drinks.
Recently, cardiologists who used to advise against a high-fat diet are now encouraging patients to embrace full-fat foods like dairy and other saturated fats. Saturated fats feed the brain and help balance hormones and mood. They also fill you up and leave less room sugary snacking.

Getting Rid of the Sugar Effect

If you’re concerned about your health don’t wait for a beverage tax to motivate you.
Unfortunately quitting sugar is difficult because it’s highly addictive. Don’t do it alone. The 21-Day Body Makeover uses supplements, shakes and a specifically designed diet to reset your body’s cravings.
You will learn how to use healthy fats (the ones recommended by cardiologists), fiber, and whole foods to slim down and satisfy your appetite and hunger. After 3 weeks your body will crave nutritious food and you can experience life free of your sugar addiction.