Keto Brain | Keto Cleanse | 21 Day Body MakeoverWe’ve all heard about the weight loss effects of the ketogenic diet, but have you heard of the keto brain?

A Little Keto History

Before the whole world knew it as the most recent effective weight loss eating style, the ketogenic diet was helping patients get better. Doctors prescribe it to patients suffering from serious conditions like epilepsy and tumors. It’s also prescribed to people with pseudotumor cerebri – a condition where a severely obese person experiences pressure on his or her veins and spinal area, which can lead to headaches and blindness.

This shows that keto helps you achieve more than outer physical fitness; it improves a lot of your internal functions as well. 

The Keto Brain

When your brain is functioning on ketones instead of glucose, you now have a keto brain. According to Dr. Kris Smith, a neurosurgeon from the Barrow Neurological Institute in Phoenix, Arizona, having a brain that runs on ketones works better. 

A keto brain uses 20% less oxygen for same amount of energy output than when running on glucose. In a nutshell, it makes your brain more efficient while giving you a steady supply of energy. No more lethargy due to sugar crashes! Best of all, your brain is not an environment where cancer can grow. 

Keto Diet and Cancer

The default treatment of patients with cancer is to bombard them with intense chemical medication that makes them feel sick and horrible. As Dr. Smith puts it, it’s like “killing the disease along with the patient”. 

In his quest to provide a more proactive and positive treatment, he tried going keto himself and hasn’t looked back since. In his experience, patients on keto have a decreased need for cortical steroids. They are experiencing improved quality of life, cognition, and memory function. This is because of keto’s anti-inflammatory function – it decreases brain swelling without the help of cortical steroids.

We’ve mentioned before how sugar feeds cancer. The low-carb nature of the keto diet means you have very little glucose in your body, which starves cancer cells. Cancer is a metabolic disease. 

Dr. Smith says that all gliomas (a type of brain tumor) have a common mutation isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH1). IDH1 is an essential enzyme for cellular energy production. Without its usual fuel – glucose – this malignant mutation is prevented right at the source.

Roadblocks to Keto

If going keto can both help you become fit and internally healthy, why do people still hesitate to subscribe to this lifestyle?

Some find it difficult because most people are used to having a carbohydrates-based diet. As with every change, there is an adjustment period. The experience also differs with each person. But good support and guidance are abundantly available nowadays, one of which is our Keto Cleanse program.

Some cite the lack of variety in the food they can eat. But nowadays, you can find almost anything with a keto-friendly version! Bread, cookies, cake, ice cream – all of these come in keto form. All one needs is a little bit of effort to search for and prepare the right meals.

It all boils down to misinformation. While the ketogenic diet movement is spreading far and wide, there are still outdated medical beliefs that prevent some from experiencing all the benefits keto can offer. One such is the vilification of fat. Dr. Smith points out that studies have shown how a keto brain and body actually helps lower bad cholesterol and triglycerides, and increase good cholesterol.

Start the Keto Lifestyle This 2020

Through the keto diet, you can treat deadly illnesses like cancer at the source instead of killing all cells off to “cure” the patient. Instead of getting IV infusion of a drug or something that makes patients feel sick, they can proactively fight against their disease. Every meal now becomes a positive experience, a step of them “beating” their condition. What’s more is that you do not have to count calories, and the myriad keto-friendly recipes developed every day make it easier to prepare flavorful dishes.

If you want to have a fit and healthy 2020, it’s the perfect time to step into the keto lifestyle. Our Keto Cleanse will help you reset your body and prepare it for transition. With professional-grade supplements, detailed guides, exercise plan, recipes, and expert support, you can begin the new decade with a better version of you!