Some junk foods are literally disguised as healthy food

In order to maintain the most detoxified, healthy body, we should be eating whole organic foods and avoiding processed, packaged foods.

Why avoid “healthy” packaged foods?

One of the reasons to avoid packaged foods is that many foods are marketed to trick you into believing they are health foods, even though they’re not.

Even the word “organic” has become a marketing buzzword. Your best bet is to become a label reader and educate yourself on the ingredients in food.

Watch out for these junk food disguised as healthy food: 

  1. Processed “Low-Fat and “Fat-Free” Foods
  2. Most Commercial Salad Dressings
  3. Fruit Juices…which are basically just  liquid sugar
  4. “Heart Healthy” Whole Wheat
  5. Cholesterol Lowering Phytosterols
  6. Margarine
  7. Sports Drinks
  8. Low Carb Junk Foods
  9. Agave Nectar
  10. Vegan Junk Foods
  11. Brown Rice Syrup
  12. Processed Organic Foods
  13. Vegetable Oils
  14. Gluten-Free Junk Foods
  15. Most Processed Breakfast Cereals

To find out more about each of the items on the list and how to determine what foods are and aren’t healthy options, click here to read the full article.

Correct the Mistake with a Detox Cleanse!

You’re clearly trying to be healthier if you’re consciously buying healthy food. If you’ve been fooled by misrepresented junk food before, don’t worry! You can flush away all the bad toxins and start anew with our 21 day full body cleanse.

This detox cleanse will help you reboot your eating habits and help you develop a palate for clean eating. You’ll get 30 days’ worth of professional-grade supplements along with 10 exercise videos, over 50 healthy food recipes, 2 fitness ebooks, and access to expert support 7 days a week!

If you’re looking to boost your weight loss, you can supplement this detox cleanse program with the ketogenic diet. Better yet, go on our specialized Keto Cleanse for best results!

21 Day Body makeover Program