Celebrities and models seem to just magic off their baby weight only a few weeks after giving birth. If you’re a mom and haven’t had the chance to get back to your pre-baby body even years after giving birth, fret not. It isn’t a race, and it certainly isn’t impossible! You can achieve this through a simple, yet strategic workout for losing baby weight!

Since mothering is so time-consuming, you’re going to need a workout for losing baby weight at home. That’s why we compiled a list of of exercises that you can make into a workout plan to lose baby weight. You don’t need any special equipment to do these exercises – just 10 minutes, some free space, and your determination!


Sandbag Bear Hug Squats

You don’t really need to buy a sandbag for this. Just get a duffel bag and stuff it with clothes or toys or whatever’s lying around until you get to around 8 lbs.

Hug the bag in front of you as if you’re hugging your child. Move your feet apart as wide as your shoulders, then lower down as if you’re sitting on a very low stool, keeping your chest out, spine straight.


Modified Push Ups

Hours of carrying your child would have most likely given you strong arms. However, floor push-ups not only test your arm strength but also engages your core. On top of that, you have gravity to contend with.

To ease yourself into push-ups, you can try upright push-ups against a wall. It’s less strenuous but will work the related muscle groups and strengthen them until you can do them completely horizontal. From the wall, you can gradually lower down like doing push-ups on the banisters or a steady stack of boxes.



Prepare to have jelly legs after doing a few reps of these. If you do not have time to do other workout for losing baby weight, do burpees. This particular exercise is a full body workout. It engages arms, chest, thighs, bum, and abs.

To do burpees, stand with your feet apart as wide as your shoulders. Rest your weight on your heels. Then, lower down to a squat and place your hand in front of you between your feet.

Support your weight with your hands and jump your feet back to into high plank position. Make sure to keep your body in a straight line to really engage your core.

Jump back in, landing your feet outside your hands, then jump up as if you’re celebrating something. Lower back into a squat to continue with the next rep.


Jump Squats

To focus more on your legs, which contain the largest muscles, jump squats are great. They’re simple and a lot easier than burpees.

Stand with your feet as wide as your shoulders, then lower down to a squat, keeping your back straight and legs and thighs forming a 90-degree angle. Then, jump up with force, raising both hands up over your head. Control your landing so you don’t make noise.



Mothering is undoubtedly tiring, but you have to stay healthy for your kids. These simple exercises can be done in little pockets of free time but when done regularly, can drastically improve your health. Best if you complement your new workout for losing baby weight with a full body cleanse!

Try our 21-day full body organic all organ cleanse. This is a great way to jumpstart your journey to a being a fitter, healthier mom. Make sure that you’re not breastfeeding though.

Toxins are held in fat cells. The more fat you have the more toxins we tend to accumulate. Through this organic full body cleanse, you can rid your body of harmful toxins brought about by holding onto excess fat, stress and sleepless nights. Our detox program is also designed so you don’t feel as thought you have to starve! You’ll get 30 days’ worth of professional-grade supplements, 10 easy-to-follow exercise videos, video and digital recipes of healthy meals, 2 fitness ebooks, and access to expert support 7 days a week!

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