Sugar, Sugary | 21 Day Full Body CleanseThe week-and-a-half that precedes a new year is as much about indulging on food as much as it is re-connecting with loved ones. More often than not, people let go of inhibitions when it comes to the delicious feasts, which leads to that infamous “holiday weight” gain. Before blaming the sumptuous meats on the table, you should know that the real culprit here is sugar. 

Hefty carbs in the form of mashed potatoes, bread, and various pastries will send your blood sugar shooting up like fireworks on January 1st. If you’re trying to watch your health, or if you’ve got an existing condition like diabetes, here are a few tips on how to survive the next few parties before 2020 hits.

Have a Game Plan

Just like prepping for a work presentation, a game, or a new venture, you have to have a game plan. Mouth-watering dishes will attack you from all sides once you enter a party. So you have to mentally prepare yourself to not overindulge, but don’t deprive yourself either.

The key here is setting a limit. It’s the holidays – it’s a time to be merry, but not at the cost of your health. Yes, you can have your favorite pie, but just a slice. Mashed potatoes and gravy? Fine, but only a couple spoonfuls.

To keep yourself from getting tempted, fill up on greens and other vegetables. Go for healthy fats and some protein. This way, you’d be satisfied enough not to get carried away by the mood.

Also, more often than not, you know what’s going to be served at a party. If it’s a potluck, you would’ve coordinated with others to know who’s going to bring what. If you know that you’d likely not be able to eat much of the dishes at the party, have a healthy meal or a snack before going.

Strategize Your Plate

You know yourself best. You know which food makes you bloat, or which one will make your blood sugar skyrocket. Instead of piling your plate high with anything served to you, allocate space according to your preferred macro ratios. This way, you can sample almost everything without veering too far off what works for your health.

Bring Your Own Supplies

As a safe bet, prepare your favorite healthy dish for everyone and bring it with you! It could be a holiday avocado dish or a huge slab of perfectly grilled and seasoned salmon. You can even bring a sugar-free dessert. This way, you’re sure to have something you can eat! 

Sometimes, when you’re used to eating healthy, you don’t mind a dull-looking plate as long as you know it’s healthy. You might be worried that your usual meal might not look appetizing to others. But here’s a trick: use more colors! Cherry tomatoes against vivid greens, sprinkling herb garnishes, curling carrot strips – these are some ways to make your dish look more pleasing and festive.

Alcohol, Besides Sugar, is Your Enemy

If you’ve managed to stay away from the sweets, the next thing is to say no to alcohol. Not only do these often contain so many carbohydrates you don’t need, these could also react negatively with some medication. Have a glass, sure, but keep in mind that with each additional serving, you consume more empty calories.

Have an Active Catch-up

At the end of the day, we go to parties to catch up with people important to us. Most of the time, we do this while sitting idly around a table, a drink in hand – usually alcoholic or sugary. During this idle time is when people mindlessly nibble on the closest snacks, not knowing that you’re packing in more and more non-nutritious things. When January hits, your blood sugar level is off the charts, and all your clothes feel tighter. 

A good idea to counter this is through an active catch-up. It could be as simple as walking around the party area at a leisurely pace while chatting with people. For those who live with warm winters, you could even take a walk outside. This way, you’ll be far away from salty and sugary snacks while fulfilling your catch-up quota.

Cleanse Away the Sugar

Even with the above strategies, sometimes, we can’t help but indulge a bit more during the holidays. When the last glasses have been clinked, and the last presents opened, it’s time to get back on track. A detox cleanse is a great way to jumpstart a healthy and fit new year. 

Our 21-day full body cleanse will help you do just that. With 30 days’ worth of professional-grade supplements, easy-to-follow exercise videos, healthy recipes to get you back on track, fitness ebooks, and expert support seven days a week, you can begin 2020 with tons of energy!