fitness 1424147 639x426Want to lose weight, get in shape and feel better? There’s an app for that. Technology is your latest ally in trimming down and improving your health. These apps can be downloaded to your phone for travel-along convenience and support in building healthier habits.

For example, you can swap the Nike + Training Club app for a high-priced personal trainer. The app boasts more than 100 workouts, a full-body 4-week plan and customized exercises to prevent boredom while adding flexibility and structure to your work out routine.

Keeping track of food and exercise in one place is also a handy health tool and now easier than ever with the Lose It app. It let’s you log what you ate during the day and record your workouts. The app increases awareness about diet and calculates caloric intake and expenditure.

If accountability keeps you motivated then check out Fitocracy. This app allows users to earn badges for workouts, connect with friends or make new ones and spice up your routine with personal challenges.

Footsteps is a pedometer app that tracks your steps during the day, motivating you to move more by setting a suggested goal of 10,000 steps a day. A simple graph tracks distance, speed, and calorie burn from day to day and notify you when you’ve reached your goal.

There are also a ton of apps to support healthy eating, food shopping and cooking at home.

Pepperplate is a meal-planning app that collects recipes from all over the web and uses those recipes to build shopping lists. Bigoven allows users to plug three ingredients into the app and provides recipe reccomendations from a database of 500,000 recipes.

Fooducate will become your time-saving best friend in the supermarket. Instead of reading unpronouncable ingredients on the food label, the app grades the product and provides a nutritional rundown. If the product doesn’t make the healthy cut, the app suggests alternate products.

And lastly, if you simply need a cheerleader, progress tracker or accountability partner, look no farther than My Healthy Habits, an app that will help you reach your goals by monitoring your progress in 21-day increments. It sends out reminders, tips and much needed motivation to help you succeed.

Another way to get healthier is to check out the 21 Day Body Makeover program for the supplements, diet suggestions and tips to detox your body and change eating habits.