Sleep is an integral part of overall health that’s often overlooked by many. Our body needs time to repair and recover, and it can only do so effectively while we’re asleep.

Simply nodding off any time of day isn’t going to work either. We need to be in deep, restful sleep at the right time for the body to work its wonders. In order to achieve this, we need to decrease our brain’s stimulation as bedtime approaches.

One important thing that affects our sleep quality is the food we eat for dinner since this is the closest meal to bedtime.


Almonds or Walnuts

Essential Component: melatonin

Almonds and walnuts are power foods that promote overall health. They’re nutrient-dense, containing a good amount of essential vitamins and minerals like phosphorus, manganese, and riboflavin. They also are a great source of the fatty acid omega-3 that promotes heart health!

What makes these nuts more amazing is how they’re a great source of melatonin – a hormone that regulates sleep. So if you’re trying to adjust your body clock to sleep at a healthier time, best eat a handful of these nuts during dinner!


Bananas and Sweet Potatoes

Essential Component: potassium

Potassium is known to promote muscle relaxation. Both bananas and potatoes contain this nutrient, they also contain magnesium and tryptophan, both known to promote good sleep.

Make sure to include these in your breakfast, lunch, or as an afternoon snack. We don’t recommend bananas or any food during dark hours and right before bed since it affects blood sugar and circadian rhythm of your organs. People who eat prior to bed are unaware that they’re asking their organs to work at their optimal levels which affects sleep and over-all health.


Chamomile and Passionflower Tea 

Essential Component: apigenin

Instead of having coffee or alcohol as your nightcap, why not go for chamomile or passionflower tea? These teas are both packed with antioxidants that fight off inflammation. They boost your immune system and reduce the risk of developing chronic diseases like heart disease and cancer.

The magic component in both these teas is an antioxidant called apigenin. This element binds to some of your brain receptors, thus producing a calming effect. It reduces anxiety, depression, and promotes sleepiness.


Salmon, Tuna, Trout, or Mackerel

Essential Component: omega-3 and Vitamin D

These fish are great for dinner! But their sleep-inducing superpower actually comes from the combination of omega-3 and Vitamin D. When combined, these two elements boost the production of serotonin, which is a neurochemical that promotes sleep.


The body uses sleep not only to rest but also to effectively clears out harmful elements like toxins from your cells. While you adjust your sleeping pattern, get a head start in eliminating toxins by doing a cleanse!

Our 21-day organic full body all organ cleanse program will give you 30 days’ worth of professional-grade supplements that’ll help you ease into a good sleep-promoting diet. Sweat out the toxins with the included 10 exercise videos. Whip up healthy meals using the digital and video recipes, and train your mind for fitness with the 2 best-selling fitness ebooks written by former trainer to the stars, George DiGianni! For full guidance, you’ll also have access to expert support 7 days a week!

The road to better sleep leads to better health, but it requires gradual habit changes. Take it one day at a time with the help of our organic full body cleanse program. Get it today!

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