What is curcumin and why is it all the rage these days?

When you’re detoxing, you’re trying to rid your body of things that are putting stress on your liver. One of those things is medication. Taking too many medicines and even vitamin pills can clog up your natural detoxification pathways.

Good thing that medical studies related to detoxing have come a long way. Recent breakthroughs have revealed some very important natural elements that can help our bodies stand against sickness and disease without relying on synthetic drugs.

One natural element gaining a lot of attention these days is curcumin. A simple search will yield numerous claims about its capacity as a wonder healer. It’s also an active ingredient in the professional-grade supplements that we use in our 21-day full body makeover program.

Just what is this supposedly “magic” element? Here are 3 things you need to know.


Curcumin comes from turmeric

Turmeric is a root that’s ground up and used as a spice in cooking. You can find turmeric powder in any grocery stores. We also mentioned that turmeric tea is a great hydrating drink for when you’re doing a cleanse.

Curcumin is actually derived from turmeric. It’s extracted from turmeric root, which contains around 2 to 5% curcumin. Pretty small, isn’t it? That’s why you’d have to consume pounds and pounds of powdered turmeric root every day to get the benefits of this substance. Don’t worry though – there are curcumin extracts available in the market now!


Not absorbed easily

Another reason why taking curcumin extract is better than downing gallons of turmeric root is its low bioavailability. This means that your body only absorbs a minuscule amount of it for every capsule you take. Just imagine taking turmeric tea or powder with only 2-5% curcumin.

Numerous “curcumin supplements” fill the internet. But not all of them are worth your time or money. Look for one that will supply you with around 500 to 1000 milligrams of curcumin a day without having to go through several bottles a week.

If you’d rather have your curcumin via turmeric, 1tsp of ground turmeric powder contains about 200mg of turmeric. Lower quality kinds will yield less though.


Known to fight off numerous diseases

There are over 6,000 studies that talk about how beneficial curcumin is health-wise. It’s said to be antioxidant, antiviral, antibacterial, anticancer, and anti-inflammatory. This means it can fight off heart disease, help control diabetes, get rid of allergies, hasten wound healing, and even fight cancer!

Scientists are still figuring out just how this polyphenol does all these. It’s good to note that existing studies are yielding positive results. They’ve observed that curcumin absorbed by your body goes all over your organs – to your liver, kidneys, and even your brain! It travels through different pathways. As a result, it’s able to benefit the whole body.


You can get the benefits of this amazing substance right here! When you sign up for our full body cleanse program, you’ll get 30 days’ worth of supplements, 10 exercise videos, 2 fitness e-books, multiple digital and video recipes of healthy meals, and access to expert support 7 days a week!

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