Do you often get headaches but don’t know what’s causing them?
There are many things that can induce headaches. From the food we eat, our lifestyle, genetic makeup, to even the season can make you feel like you have a throbbing anvil on top of your shoulders.
Sometimes, this is perfectly harmless. Other times, it’s a signal that your body is congested with toxins and is acting out for you to take notice.
Instead of turning to meds right away, which will likely stress out your liver some more because that’s an additional thing for it to process, why not go the healthier route and do a full-body detox cleanse?
With a powerful and thorough program like our 21-day full body cleanse, you can eliminate all the things that are causing the headaches. Using a healthy exercise and eating protocol developed by one of the former top trainers in the world can keep headaches them away!
Here are 3 kinds of headaches that will definitely be eliminated by a detox:
Caffeine or Sugar Hangover
How many cups of coffee do you have every day? Do you pair that with something sweet like a nice Danish pastry or a classic glazed donut?
If you rely on caffeine and sugar to top up your energy every time you feel like you’re slowing down, you’re actually trapped in an unhealthy dependence to two substances that are addictive and have similar effects to alcohol.
Caffeine creates a high by blocking adenosine – a neurotransmitter that makes you feel sleepy and sluggish. This is why you’re very awake after downing a cup. Adenosine hangs around in your brain until the caffeine wears off, then it floods your neurons.
When you’re in a caffeine high, your brain also tells your liver to pump out more sugar into your bloodstream to sustain the energy level.
Sugar, in turn, affects adrenaline, which is commonly known to give energy. On a sugar high, your body is keeping the pain and tiredness away by maintaining adrenaline levels.
When the caffeine wears off and the sugar level goes down, you’re going to experience a hangover much like the one you get after drinking too much alcohol. This is what’s causing the headache.
It’s difficult to quit these things because of their benefits and their nice flavors. However, if you don’t want to experience this painful cycle again, you need to get rid of your taste for caffeine and sugar.
A full-body detox can do the trick. Not only will you flush out the toxins in your body, it’s suggested to remove sugar, which will help reset your taste buds. Soon, things like donuts will taste too sweet and coffee will feel too strong that you’ll end up not having that physical craving anymore.
High Blood Pressure
What’s your diet like? How about physical activities, do you get at least 30 minutes a day of elevated heart rate?
One of the leading causes of headaches is hypertension. This is usually caused by consuming too much fried and processed food, including sugar. When your blood pressure is high, your blood vessels constrict, creating pressure in your brain, which is causing the headache.
Things like pollution, cigarette smoke, and chemical-ridden cosmetics also contribute to high blood pressure. These things introduce more toxins in our body, putting our liver and immune systems in overdrive.
By doing a full-body detox cleanse, you’re helping your body with its natural detoxification process, lessening the stress on important organs and systems, bringing down your blood pressure.
Also, food replacements and supplements do not comprise a thorough detox. Exercise is also a very important way of detoxing. By sweating, you eliminate toxins from your body via perspiration. Your brain also releases endorphins, which relieves stress.
Our 21-day full body cleanse not only comes with professional-grade supplements. You’ll also sweat your way to better health with the bonus 10 easy-to-follow exercise videos!
Stuffy Nose
Did your headache come with the change of the season? If you often get a clogged sinus whenever pollen season comes around, it’s a sign that allergies are causing your headache.
Anything can cause allergic reactions. Sometimes, you may not be aware that you’re allergic to something until you’re already an adult.
When you’re stressed, not exercising, and eating poorly, your liver overworks to compensate. Because it’s processing too many toxins at once, it might accidentally let harmful things like allergens and bacteria slip through its filters and into your bloodstream.
When this happens, things that you weren’t allergic before (because your liver successfully eliminated that) can trigger an allergic reaction. Usually, you’d get a stuffy nose or teary eyes.
Do your liver a favor and don’t let it overheat. By doing a full-body cleanse, you’ll take off some of the load by eliminating toxins yourself! Our 21-day detox program can help you with that. You’ll also learn to eat healthy via digital and video recipes for healthy meals! Stay fit as well with 2 fitness e-books!
Now that you know that a good detox can cure all these kinds of headaches, don’t wait longer and get on a detox program right now. Do your cleanse with our effective and proven program and you’ll get 30 days of professional-grade supplements plus access to expert support 7 days a week!
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