Excess Belly Fat | 21 Day Full Body CleanseAre all body fat created equal? Unfortunately, no. Sure, flabby arms and jiggly thighs could be unflattering, but in general, they’re not as harmful as your love handles.

Yes, that bulge around your middle is more dangerous than fat in your arms, hips, or thighs. That’s because abdominal fat indicates the presence of fat enveloping your organs, which can go into the bloodstream and wreak havoc in your system, like clog your arteries.

If you’re a woman with a waist measuring over 35 inches, or a man with a waist measuring 40 inches, you’re in dangerous waters. But those who don’t identify as plus-size shouldn’t be complacent either. You could have hidden fats that surround your organs, which put you in the same precarious boat.

Heart Disease: The Classic Danger of Belly Fat

Visceral fat is the root of a host of diseases. It negatively influences insulin resistance, which leads to Type 2 diabetes, and is heavily linked to coronary heart disease. This is riskier for women as well. A British study found that for every 2” addition in a woman’s waistline, her risk of developing heart disease goes up by 10%!

There are also studies that show the connection of excess belly fat to colorectal cancer, with the risk percentage higher on women who’ve gone through menopause. This also heightens the chances of breast cancer as well. Shedding a mere 12 pounds though proved to decrease this risk.

Shrinking Brain: The New Danger of Belly Fat

With a waist as wide as your hips, heart problems and cancer aren’t all there is to worry about now. A recent study unearthed a connection between large waistlines and shrinking brain matter.

You see, our brain is composed of two kinds of matters: gray matter and white matter. Gray matter can be found both in the brain and spinal cord. It contains neurons and is also the birthing place of synapses. White matter, on the other hand, is where you’ll find nerves that connect gray matter.

This study found a link between high BMI, which indicates obesity and likely a high hip-to-waist ratio, and shrinkage in the brain’s gray matter. Basically, your brain’s gray matter is responsible for almost all your bodily functions like muscle control, speech, memory, sight, auditory functions, decision-making, etc. A shrinking gray matter would mean impairment of these functions.

Since this discovery is new, more specific studies are needed to tell which one is the cause and which is the effect. Does a shrinking gray matter cause abdominal fat build-up? Or is it the other way around? But even if this is still unclear, there’s no going around decades of study that concretely connect excessive belly fat and illnesses.

Start your journey to a trimmer waistline today

Visceral fat is one of the most difficult things to get rid of. It doesn’t go away with sit-ups alone. You need to commit to a lifestyle change, eating clean, and getting plenty of exercise, ideally HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training.)

In order to start living a healthier life, you need to optimize your body towards healthier choices. For example, too much sugar is the culprit of weight gain. When you’re used to eating sugary or too salty food, your taste buds become insensitive to these flavors, which leads to overconsumption.

What you need is a good full body detox. Our 30 Day Full Body Cleanse will help you transition smoothly into a healthier lifestyle by resetting your palate while getting rid of harmful toxins in your body. This program also includes 10 easy-to-follow exercise videos that will help you work that belly fat away! You’ll also have over 50 healthy recipes in both video and written form to try out, along with 2 fitness ebooks to help you get the right weight loss mindset. On top of that, you’ll have access to expert support 7 days a week!

Don’t wait until symptoms creep up before doing anything about your health. Since 2005 we’ve helped people achieve their best selves with our program, and we’d like to help you, too. Start our Full Body Cleanse today!