When you think about lethal diseases, cancer is foremost in people’s minds. Yes, cancer is indeed one of the major killers, but what we have to remember is that cancer is usually a result of a previously untreated condition. One such condition is a fatty liver.
Silent and deadly, liver cancer that results from fatty liver disease often goes unnoticed because it has minimal symptoms. To put it simply, unlike other illnesses where you develop fever, skin irritation, or experience some form of pain early on, with fatty liver, you will only experience these things when it’s in the very late stages.
But if you do regular health check-ups and are diagnosed with a fatty liver, don’t worry. According to Anne Fernholm, a PhD biochemist and founder of The Dietary Science Foundation, this chronic disease can actually be treated in only 2 weeks! How? By going low carb or keto!
2 Types of Fatty Liver
Obesity makes people predisposed to developing a fatty liver, but not all overweight people have it. It used to be that this disease was common to middle-aged people. But recently, it’s been discovered that around 1 out of 10 adolescents are suffering from this disease in the US and Europe.
Now, there are actually two ways how a liver can be coated in fat. One is drinking too much; the other is eating too much sweets.
Alcoholic Liver Disease (ALD)
This type is characterized by a fatty liver that resulted from alcohol overconsumption. By overconsumption, we don’t mean those celebratory drinking sessions that happens once a month or less. ALD is the result of heavy drinking every day or almost every day, mostly of hard liquor and not beer or wine. This disease takes years to develop, but that doesn’t mean younger adults are totally safe from it.
Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD)
This type of fatty liver is the result of excessive eating, particularly carbohydrates in the form of sweets, starch, and meat to some extent. These types of food contain sugar in the form of glucose and fructose. Fructose is processed in the liver and becomes fat (triglycerides). On a normal carb-heavy diet, the body can only convert so much glucose and fructose and use them as energy. As a result, the fat end product gets stuck in the liver, which then results into NAFLD.
How a Fatty Liver can Kill You
The human liver can be considered as the processing center of the body. It filters everything – the food and drinks we consume, the medicine we take, the air we breathe, and so on. If you have either type of fatty liver, your liver will be heavily burdened, which could lead to malfunction. To give you a clearer picture of how deadly a fatty liver is, let’s look at the stages of its progress.
Stage 1: Hepatic steatosis is simply the deposit of fat in the liver. While it’s normal to have a bit of fat there, this stage is the beginning of something that’s outside normal. At this stage, you’re at high risk of developing Type 2 diabetes and/or cardiovascular disease.
Stage 2: Steatohepatitis is when your liver gets inflamed because fats are obstructing its ducts. At this stage, your liver is having a hard time filtering your body, which could be filling your body with bad things like toxins.
Stage 3: Liver cirrhosis is when your liver is scarred because of inflammation. Your liver functions are severely impeded. At this stage, you might notice some symptoms such as dark urine. With such a weak liver, your kidneys would need to compensate for the filtering. But they’re not cut out for that level of filtering function, which could lead to kidney damage.
Stage 4: Hepatocellular carcinoma is the final stage, which is basically liver cancer. The progress to liver failure is quite fast because at this stage, your body’s filtering system is down to their last crutches. Developing sepsis is highly likely because nothing’s taking out the harmful elements in your bloodstream. Patients diagnosed with this are often given only 6 months left to live.
How Keto Can Save Your Liver
You might be wondering how following a diet that highlights eating fat can cure your fatty liver. Wouldn’t that simply pile on the fat?
If you know the gist of how a ketogenic diet works, you’ll remember that it shifts your body from using glucose (from carbohydrates like starch and sugar) to using fat as energy. Your liver is responsible for transforming glucose into something that the body can use.
Fructose, on the other hand, is a form of sugar from fruits, veggies, and artificial sweets. This form, when consumed from man-made sources like candy and ice cream, are known as added sugar. All the cells in our body uses glucose for energy. But only the liver breaks down fructose and then produces triglycerides (which is a form of fat) as well as free radicals (which damages cells). A high level of triglycerides means your liver could get clogged by fat and keep it from doing its job well.
That’s how you get a fatty liver.
So, since Keto emphases the limitation of carbs, it effectively diminishes your consumption of glucose and fructose, which will then stop your liver from forming and/or getting covered in triglycerides. At the same time, since your body will be tuned to using fat as energy, all the excess fat you have (including the ones in your liver) will slowly be used to run your body, hence helping you get rid of them.
Help Your Liver Recover by Cleansing
Take this time to assess yourself honestly. How are your drinking and eating habits? Are you conscious of what you put in your body? If you’ve had a laissez-faire attitude when it comes to your health, you can correct your course right now.
We created the first ever Keto Cleanse which has two functions. First, it will cleanse all organs and glands of your body to assist them to work at their optimal levels and help you more easily eat healthier without the common struggles most experience. Second, it’ll minimize negative effects of the Keto Flu.
With this system, you’ll get:
- 4 Full Body Keto Cleanse Supplements.
- Ten Exercise videos for FAST Fat Loss
- Amazing Tasting Keto Recipes and Snacks
- Keto Grocery Shopping Tips and Keto Cleanse Friendly Foods
- Instruction How to Prevent Craving Bad Food
- Learn How to Cheat With Our Keto Cheat Meals
- Email Support 7 days per week if needed
It’s not too late to start caring for your liver. Keto Cleanse will help you transition into the keto lifestyle smoothly and lead you to better liver health.