Do you stress? I mean, really stress – the kind that doesn’t just last a few hours or days, but the kind you carry with you all the time? You aren’t alone; approximately 40 million Americans suffer from anxiety disorder. Even if you don’t have a diagnosable amount of anxiety in your life, these conditions can have a huge impact on your overall health.

There’s always something to worry about. You may be planning a wedding. Flower arrangements, dress fittings, table assignments – all things that can create a huge amount of stress.  Or you may be spending a large portion of your time with young kiddos. Diaper changes, daycare concerns, lack of “me” time – all part of the journey, but still very challenging. During all seasons of life there will be sources of stress that can’t be avoided, but sometimes stress can make a mess of your health.

Anxiety and stress take a toll on your health that can be largely undetected, until it’s too late. From the mild headache and muscle tension to the more serious high blood pressure and obesity – worry, stress, and anxiety are a bad deal. Aside from these clinical symptoms, stress is known to change the way we eat as well.

Stress and Your Waist

Weight gain is a very visible symptom of stress stemming from a combination of physical and emotional sources. When you are worrying about everyday matters, money, or anything at all it, becomes difficult to make healthy food choices.  As a result of these bad food choices or emotional overeating episode, the pounds begin to creep on. Add to this the rise in cortisol, a natural hormone which is released when the body is under stress and has been linked to weight gain.Relax | Stress | 21 Day Full Body Cleanse

Find Some Relief

If your worry is severe, you will need your doctor’s help to create a strategy to manage. However, if you feel your situation is more manageable try some of these tips. These will help you eat healthier, avoid weight gain, and feel less stressed:

  • Before eating ask yourself if you are “head hungry” or “real hungry” – don’t let your emotions drive you to snack
  • Eliminate tempting foods from your home – it is likely your willpower is low when under stress
  • Get enough sleep – when sleep deprived individuals tend to reach for sugary foods in an effort to give them energy. These foods end up being empty calories that can lead to weight gain
  • Find a fresh start – beginning a cleanse may be just what you need to help shake the anxiety – when you have more energy and feel good on the inside it can leave you more capable of handling stress
  • Move! A very effective way to deal with this issue is to exercise – just 30 minutes a day can make a huge difference

Don’t let stress, anxiety, and worry lead you down a slippery slope. Pull yourself up by the bootstraps, begin your 21 Day Body Cleanse and uncover a healthier, more relaxed you!

