Planning for a party out in the sun? Be careful what you include in your summer food menu!

Last time, we discussed some of the favorite boardwalk treats that are actually harmful to your body. This time, we’re giving you the healthy alternatives that will definitely make your summer food list both refreshing and delicious!



The sweltering heat can cause you to sweat too much. If you don’t replenish your liquids, you may end up getting dehydrated.

Instead of reaching for a soda, a beer, or other sugary beverages, why not treat yourself to a juicy slice of watermelon? 90% of this fruit is actually water, which makes it perfect for juicing. It’s also very filling!

Watermelon is also good for the heart! The red color of this fruit is due to its lycopene content, which is also present in tomatoes and carrots. Lycopene is an amazing antioxidant that’s also known to fight cancer, improve brain health, and promote healthy eyes! It also protects the skin from sun damage.


Barley Water

Another great beverage to quench your thirst with is barley water. Alright, it may sound unappetizing, but you can actually tweak the taste with a bit of honey or a lemon slice!

Barley is packed with dietary fibers that will help clean your gut out by preventing constipation so you don’t feel bloated and stuck. The fibers also expand with the liquid, keeping you feeling full for longer. This is a big help when you’re trying to stay away from unnecessary snacking!


Green Leafy Vegetables

Chillin’ by the water doesn’t feel complete without munching on something. But normal potato chips are overly processed and contain too much artificial flavoring and salt. These things will cause you to retain water and bloat. Not only that, but too much sodium can also lead to high blood pressure and numerous heart problems.

If you’re craving for something crispy to munch on, a good summer food alternative is air-fried kale! You can try a recipe like this, which allows you to customize the flavoring using all-natural and healthy herbs and spices.


Nuts and Avocados

If you’d like to stay trim during beach season, ditch the unhealthy fat and go for summer food with heart-healthy fat! Things like macadamia and walnuts are great for snacking instead of chips, fries, or pretzels. Avocados are also a great source of healthy fat!

Not only will these food keep you satiated, they’re also yummy and are keto diet-approved food! So if you pack your meals with these things, you’re going to feel full and even lose weight!



Fish n’ chips, anyone? If you’re craving for some protein, salmon is your friend. This fish is rich in omega-3, more commonly known as fish oil, which is good for the heart!

Enjoy a good slab of grilled salmon or pan-friend with extra virgin olive oil. Throw in some homemade fresh-cut air-fried fries and you’re golden! Add a side of greens and squeeze a lemon wedge all over to complete this healthy and figure-friendly meal.



If you started summer by indulging in all the unhealthy summer food, it’s not too late to reset! With our 21-day full body organs cleanse, you can detox in just 3 weeks without having to starve yourself!

You’ll get 30 days’ worth of professional-grade supplements, 10 easy-to-follow exercise videos that are guaranteed to make you sweat out those toxins, and video and digital recipes of healthy meals you can cook at home! We’re also throwing in 2 fitness ebooks as well as access to expert support 7 days a week!

Related Topic: How junk food wrecks your body


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