How to Feast and Stay Healthy This Thanksgiving via Keto

By |2024-03-08T15:23:02+00:00November 16th, 2018|

We explored the myth of the “holiday weight” in our previous blog. Put simply, two truths conflict with popularly held beliefs about this issue. First, a person that’s not overweight nor obese normally gains 1-2lbs over the holidays. Second, people almost never lose these few pounds their whole lives, that’s why they end up 10-20lbs. heavier [...]

Holiday Weight Gain Facts & Tips

By |2024-03-08T15:23:03+00:00November 11th, 2018|

Contrary to popular belief, people who aren’t already overweight or obese gain only roughly 2lbs. from Thanksgiving to New Year’s. This seems like a rather small number to lose, but here’s the painful truth: chances are, you’d still be in an indulgent mood a week or so into January, or give up right around March [...]

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