water 1329546 639x426We’ve all heard the health advice to drink more water, but is our water healthy to drink? NBC news recently reported on a 5-month water quality study that found trace amounts of pharmaceuticals (parts per billion) in the water, ranging from antibiotics to sex hormones to pain medications. The drugs are excreted into the sewage system by people taking them and since there’s no way to scrub for pharmaceuticals in water treatment plants, they leech into the drinking water of major cities. How do you avoid the involuntary ingestion of pharmaceuticals? First start by reading the book “ Don’t Drink the Water: The essential guide to our contaminated drinking water and what you can do about it” The book gives tips on how to prevent typical chemicals found in water like fluoride, arsenic, chloramine as well as trace pharmaceuticals from ending up in your body.

Watch a quick video about this here:

Assoc Press drugs in our tap water



Read more about water and filtration systems here:

Don’t Drink The Water book and filtration system
