After studying the effects of drinking diet soda researcher believe that drinks with artificial sweeteners should have the same warning from health officials as their sugary counterparts.
Beverages are becoming a political issue, as government officials look into regulating and taxing sodas and other sugary drinks to limit their consumption. Diet sodas should be regulated alongside regular ones as science points out that they are just as unhealthy.
Diet Soda Leads to Diabetes
According to a 2009 study in the journal Diabetes Care, people who drink diet soda are twice as likely to develop metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes. Artificial sweeteners alter gut microbes and the brain-gut connection. This, in turn, affects metabolism.
When researchers fed mice zero-calorie sweeteners found in these drinks, including saccharin, aspartame and sucralose, they developed glucose intolerance.
Diet Soda Promotes Overeating
Also, people who drink diet soda tend to overeat because it confuses the body’s ability to manage calories. Not only do they become hungry but also thirsty for more diet soda.
Diet Soda’s Nasty Effects on Mental and Physical Health
Diet soda consumption has also been linked to depression and kidney damage. Drinking four or more cans of diet soda per day increases the risk of depression by 30 percent. And it’s not the caffeine that’s the issue because people who drink 4 cups of coffee have a 10 percent lower chance of developing depression.
The combination of caffeine and artificial sweeteners, like aspartame, in some sodas, create a short addictive high similar to that of cocaine. And is just as likely to over stimulate your brain.
Diet soda also reduces kidney function by 30%. Researchers from the University of Miami and Columbia University link daily consumption to cardiovascular disease. A study that followed 2,000 diet soda drinkers showed a higher likelihood of dying from cardiovascular disease.
Here’s another surprising fact about consuming both regular and diet soda: it increases the risk of developing asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). And the more soda a person drinks, the higher the risk. An Australian study found that 13.3 people with asthma and 15.6 people with COPD drink 2 diet sodas a day.
Aspartame, in particular, is damaging to the brain because it chips away at its protective antioxidant defense system. It is no wonder that Aspartame is linked to brain-centered diseases like epilepsy, brain tumors, Alzheimer’s, ADHD and depression.
And it comes as no surprise to anyone, that both diet and regular soda have a negative effect on teeth. They are nearly as corrosive to dental enamel as battery acid.
Rethink Diet Sodas
So the next time you think about drinking a diet soda because it’s healthier or better for your weight, think again. Go for a glass of water, or if you want something fizzy, a probiotic-rich Kombucha.
A full body cleanse can eliminate the toxins from dangerous artificial sweeteners and help significantly reduce sugar cravings for soda.
The 21-Day Body makeover focuses on balancing blood sugar with protein and whole food nutrition. This way, you don’t have energy dips and the need for something sweet to keep you going.
Some of the things that also offset the craving for sweet is indulging in sour foods like lemon water and fermented foods.
After 21 Days most people’s taste for sugar will change. The less sugar you eat the less you crave it. And even diet soda’s will begin to taste too sweet.
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