Cellulite is one of the most common issues for women. According to statistics 90 percent of women will have cellulite at some point in their lives.
But can you ever truly lose your cellulite?
Currently, there’s no permanent solution for these skin dimples, but there’s hope. Lifestyle choices and diet can make a big difference in reducing the appearance of this skin problem.

What exactly is cellulite and why do we have it?

Cellulite occurs when skin appears dimpled and lumpy as a result of underlying fat deposits. It happens when connective tissue (composed of collagen fibers) that attach fat to your skin, break or tear.
The most common areas to find these dimples is the thighs, buttocks, and stomach, but it can show up anywhere fat deposits are present.
This skin issue is much more common in women than in men because of female hormones and body composition. Men’s skin has more connective and supportive tissue, which helps keep the dimples from appearing. 
This skin phenomenon typically genetic and worsens with age. If your mom or grandmother had it, you’re more likely to have it at some point in your life.
But you’re not a slave to your genetics. These things may not show up on your body in the same degree or in the same places as it did for your mom. While genetics is a piece of the cellulite puzzle, factors like diet, exercise, and healthy weight play a powerful role.
Connective tissue may be weakened by hormones, lack of exercise, weak muscle tone, excess fat, and poor circulation. This skin phenomenon worsens with age due to a decline in estrogen. Estrogen keeps blood vessels flowing smoothly, so lower estrogen levels mean less circulation. This can lead to a decrease in new collagen production and the breakdown of older connective tissue.
Also being overweight makes the appearance of these dimples more noticeable. More fat underneath your skin is likely to put stress on your connective tissue and bulge out of weak spots.
Here are 5 effective ways to reduce the appearance of cellulite

Drink water

Reducing cellulite is yet another important reason to stay hydrated. Drinking water helps to keep connective tissue strong and supple. Eating veggies with 90 percent water content like cucumbers, radishes, tomatoes and bell peppers are also a great way to hydrate.  



Building and strengthen muscle can help reduce the appearance of cellulite by boosting circulation and burning fat. If you have cellulite in your butt and legs, exercise that builds muscle in those areas, like a yoga or strength training, is best.

Sun exposure

If you want to have smoother looking skin it’s a good idea to avoid tanning outside or on tanning beds. Tanning can make cellulite more noticeable because UV rays damage the collagen in your skin.

Foods that battle cellulite

Certain foods can help with battle these pesky skin dimples. Foods that are high in healthy fats, like avocados, nuts, seeds, olives, sardines, coconut oil and olive oil, will typically stimulate weight loss. Eating these foods in moderation and balancing blood sugar will help the body release extra fat, which will improve the appearance of cellulite.


Cigarette smoke has been shown to reduce blood vessel flow and to weaken and disrupt the formation of collagen, allowing for the connective tissue to become stretched and damaged more easily and for underlying fat to show through. So one more reason to quit smoking is to reduce the appearance of this skin phenomenon.
While cellulite is a bothersome cosmetic issue, it can also be a sign of deeper potential health issues lurking underneath. For example, cellulite can be a sign of excessive fat, poor circulation, muscle weakness or hormonal imbalance.
The 21 Day Makeover can help improve the appearance of cellulite by melting excess fat through diet, detoxing and exercise. And in the process of gaining smoother skin, you’ll feel the many other benefits that cleaning eating and exercise brings.